Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Consumer Reports: Jail Mobile Telephone Band Radiations Warnings

Consumer Reports (CR) published an article online entitled, "Does Cell Phone Use Cause Brain Cancer? What the New Study Means For You," on May 27, 2016.

CR discussed the newly-released study conducted past times the National Toxicology Program calling it "the largest together with most expensive study of its kind."

Based upon the results of this study together with the prior query on humans, CR made the next recommendations to consumers to cut back the risks from prison theatre mobile telephone phone radiation:
  • Keep the telephone away from your caput together with torso especially when the signal is weak.
  • Text or video telephone weep upward when possible.
  • Use the speakerphone or a hands-free headset.
  • Don’t maintain your telephone inward your pants or shirt pocket.
Also, CR made the next policy recommendations:
  • The NIH should fund some other beast study to decide whether the latest prison theatre mobile telephone phone technology scientific discipline equally good increases cancer risk.
  • The FCC should update its testing requirements for prison theatre mobile telephone phone radiations exposure to concern human relationship for the thinner skulls inward children's heads.
  • The FCC together with FDA should decide whether the electrical current prison theatre mobile telephone phone radiations confine (1.6 W/kg over 1 gram of tissue) provides adequate protection to consumers.
  • The CDC should reinstate the cautionary advice nearly prison theatre mobile telephone phone radiations that it removed from its website inward August, 2014.
  • Cell telephone manufacturers should prominently display advice nearly how to cut back prison theatre mobile telephone phone radiations exposure.

Sep 24, 2015

Consumer Reports issues prison theatre mobile telephone phone security recommendations 

On September 24, 2015, Consumer Reports (CR) published an article online entitled, "Does Cell-Phone Radiation Cause Cancer?" 

CR advises prison theatre mobile telephone phone users to bring security precautions, regime to strengthen prison theatre mobile telephone phone radiations regulations, together with manufacturers to prominently display "steps that cell-phone users tin bring to cut back exposure to cell-phone radiation."

According to CR, entirely nearly 5 percentage of Americans are "very concerned' nearly prison theatre mobile telephone phone radiation, together with few bring steps to cut back their exposure. Furthermore, "many respected scientists" together with federal agencies "don't seem real troubled" nearly this wellness risk.
"But non everyone is unconcerned. In May 2015, a grouping of 190 independent scientists from 39 countries, who inward full receive got written to a greater extent than than 2,000 papers on the topic, called on the United Nations, the World Health Organization, together with national governments to prepare stricter controls on cell-phone radiation. They indicate to growing research—as good equally the classification of cell-phone radiations equally a possible carcinogen inward 2011 past times the International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the WHO—suggesting that the depression levels of radiations from prison theatre mobile telephone phones could receive got potentially cancer-causing effects ...."
"Some countries receive got taken steps to protect users, at to the lowest degree when it comes to children. For example, France, Russia, the U.K., together with Republic of Zambia receive got either banned ads that promote phones’ sale to or utilisation past times children, or issued cautions for utilisation past times children.

The metropolis council of Berkeley, Calif., has equally good acted. In May 2015, it approved a “Right to Know” police describe that requires electronics retailers to notify consumers nearly the proper treatment of prison theatre mobile telephone phones."
CR notes that the FCC’s prison theatre mobile telephone phone security seek established inward 1996 protects users entirely from heating effects due to prison theatre mobile telephone phone radiation; yet, many laboratory studies propose that exposure to depression intensity prison theatre mobile telephone phone radiations tin receive got harmful effects without raising torso temperature including creation of "stress proteins" together with advertisement of encephalon tumors.

CR examined 5 large population studies:
"three of the studies—one from Sweden, some other from France, together with a 3rd that combined information from xiii countries—suggest a connecter betwixt heavy cell-phone utilisation together with gliomas, tumors that are unremarkably cancerous together with oftentimes deadly. One of those studies equally good hinted at a link betwixt prison theatre mobile telephone phones together with acoustic neuromas (noncancerous tumors), together with 2 studies hinted at meningiomas, a relatively mutual exactly unremarkably non deadly encephalon tumor."
CR comments that "none of the studies tin evidence a connecter betwixt prison theatre mobile telephone phones together with encephalon cancers." CR farther notes that prison theatre mobile telephone phone designs receive got changed. 

[JMM: No study tin evidence that prison theatre mobile telephone phones are safe, together with many studies receive got found evidence for other wellness effects including neurologic disorders, infertility, together with reproductive wellness effects. Moreover, some query suggests that electrical current prison theatre mobile telephone phone technologies are to a greater extent than harmful than before technologies.]

CR recommends that cell telephone users bring the next precautions:
  • "Try to maintain the telephone away from your caput together with body. That is especially of import when the cellular signal is weak—when your telephone has entirely i bar, for example—because phones may increment their powerfulness together with then to compensate.
  • Text or video telephone weep upward when possible.
  • When speaking, utilisation the speaker telephone on your device or a hands-free headset.
  • Don’t stow your telephone inward your pants or shirt pocket. Instead, send it inward a pocketbook or utilisation a belt clip."
Finally CR makes several policy recommendations:
• "The Federal Communications Commission’s cell-phone radiations seek is based on the devices’ possible outcome on large adults, though query suggests that children’s thinner skulls hateful they may absorb to a greater extent than radiation.
• Consumer Reports agrees with concerns raised past times the American Academy of Pediatrics together with the Government Accountability Office nearly the tests, together with thinks that novel tests should live developed that bring into concern human relationship the potential vulnerability of children.
• We yell upward that cell-phone manufacturers should prominently display advice on steps that cell-phone users tin bring to cut back exposure to cell-phone radiation."

CR is a monthly American magazine published since 1936 accepts no advertising. CR is known for its strong policies on editorial independence. According to the latest annual report, CR has 8.4 million subscribers together with 530,000 donors.

This article volition seem inward the last month classified low-level radiations from prison theatre mobile telephone phones equally "possibly carcinogenic to humans," provided to a greater extent than details yesterday nearly how they arrived at their conclusions inward a written report published online inward The Lancet Oncology.
Jun 1, 2011...for Research on Cancer yesterday classified low-level radiation from cell phones “possibly carcinogenic to humans” based on express evidence linking...
"The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer yesterday classified low-level radiations from prison theatre mobile telephone phones “possibly carcinogenic to humans” based on express evidence linking cell-phone utilisation with an increased opportunity of glioma, a type of encephalon cancer. While that's for certain to enhance the marker of give-and-take nearly the wellness effects of prison theatre mobile telephone phones, regime regulators rest reassuring nearly the potential risks ...
In a arguing released yesterday, John Walls, vice president of world affairs for CTIA The Wireless Association, said that the IARC classification “does non hateful prison theatre mobile telephone phones crusade cancer.” ...
Bottom line: The IARC activity is based on express evidence together with doesn't convincingly link typical cell-phone utilisation with cancer. But it does increment the take for farther study, equally good equally better together with to a greater extent than visible guidance to consumers on the issue.
We volition locomote along to monitor the query on cell-phone safety. In the meantime, if you’re concerned nearly radiation, you lot tin minimize exposure past times using a speakerphone or hands-free headset, belongings the telephone away from the caput together with torso (especially when a telephone weep upward is connecting), together with reducing use, especially past times children. Of course, you lot tin equally good text."  
February 23, 2011...a novel wrinkle to a long-standing concern of cell phone users, the Journal...that low-level radiation from prison theatre mobile telephone phones...
"...Although, equally the FDA has stated, the "weight of scientific evidence has non linked prison theatre mobile telephone phones with whatever wellness problems," consumers locomote along to live concerned. The metropolis of San Francisco latterly enacted an ordinance requiring that prison theatre mobile telephone phones break the amount of radiations emitted, together with Consumer Reports has called for a national query programme together with to a greater extent than guidance for prison theatre mobile telephone phone users on potential risks."
February 22, 2011 -Low-level radiation from cell phones tin send on encephalon business office during short-term use, according to a written report inward the Feb... 
"Low-level radiations from prison theatre mobile telephone phones tin send on encephalon business office during short-term use, according to a report in the Feb. 23 number of the Journal of the American Medical Association...
Bottom line: We volition locomote along to monitor the query on cell-phone safety. In the meantime, if you’re concerned nearly radiation, you lot tin minimize exposure past times using a speakerphone or hands-free headset, belongings the telephone away from the caput together with torso (especially when a telephone weep upward is connecting), together with reducing use, especially past times children."
How risky is cell-phone radiation?
Jan 2011
"The Food together with Drug Administration says the "weight of scientific evidence has non linked prison theatre mobile telephone phones with whatever wellness problems," including encephalon tumors from the low-level radiations that phones emit inward normal use. Yet inward the past times twelvemonth San Francisco lawmakers receive got enacted an ordinance requiring that prison theatre mobile telephone phones break the amount of radiations emitted, together with Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) announced plans to force for radiations warnings on all prison theatre mobile telephone phones.

Phone manufacturers are required past times federal police describe to packet every prison theatre mobile telephone phone with information nearly its specific absorption charge per unit of measurement (SAR) values. The higher the SAR value, the to a greater extent than radiations the torso absorbs. But there's unremarkably no explanation provided with those numbers, non fifty-fifty the fact that all phones sold receive got levels lower than what the FDA considers a concern ...Consumers Union believes a number of measures would exercise goodness consumers:

  • The USA needs a national query programme on prison theatre mobile telephone phones together with health. Rep. Kucinich has called for such an endeavor equally part of his cell-phone security proposals.
  • The FDA together with the FCC should stair upward their efforts to render amend together with to a greater extent than visible guidance to consumers on the risks, if any, of cell-phone radiation.
  • The FCC should mandate that the SAR information included with phones live to a greater extent than consistent. The information that's currently provided varies greatly inward its format together with detail, equally the photographs below illustrate.
Bottom line We volition locomote along to rails the research. In the meantime, if you lot are concerned nearly radiation, minimize exposure past times using a speaker telephone or hands-free headset, belongings the telephone away from the caput together with torso (especially when a telephone weep upward is connecting), together with reducing use, especially past times children."
 New prison theatre mobile telephone phone models friction match changing lifestyles
...January 2010 Consumer Reports Magazine. Latest on Cell phones together with services Overview...of cell-phone radiation continues. ...

"Research into the possible risks of cell-phone radiations continues. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 recent article inward the Journal of Clinical Oncology, based on query involving nearly 38,000 people, found a slightly increased opportunity of caput together with cervix cancer alongside longtime cell-phone users. But to a greater extent than evidence is needed to empathise the link, if any, betwixt phones together with cancer. We'll maintain tracking the research. If you lot desire to minimize exposure, utilisation a speaker telephone or hands-free headset, grip the telephone away from the caput together with torso (especially when a telephone weep upward is connecting), together with cut back usage, especially past times children."

Jan 2009...on the way. Questions receive got been raised nearly whether cell phones powerfulness elevate cancer...non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation. Most studies have... 
"... Bottom line The Federal Communications Commission advises that if in that place is whatever risk, together with at this indicate nosotros exercise non know that in that place is, it is in all probability real small. Until to a greater extent than is known, people who desire to minimize potential risks of radio waves from prison theatre mobile telephone phones should utilisation the speakerphone trend or a hands-free fix piece on calls together with inquire kids to exercise the same. They should equally good confine fourth dimension spent on the telephone together with maintain the antenna away from the caput together with body."                         

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Consumer Reports: Jail Mobile Telephone Band Radiations Warnings
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